Thursday, October 2, 2008

I thought in the beginning of this adoption process that the waiting wouldn't be so bad. I was so wrong. I know that God has hand selected a precious baby girl for our family but my heart is aching for her. I didn't even know that it was possible to miss someone I have never met. I guess I am having a rough day and need to vent a little. Thanks for listening.


Daughter of the Lord Jesus said...

ME TOO! We just heard we did not get picked again (#3) and I am trying really hard to remind myself that our baby girl is in our hearts and God's and He knows all things. He is close to us in our time of need and He will comfort. I pray you feel God's love & peace today.

Anonymous said...

I think only people who have been through it realize how hard it really is. We are praying for you and are confident that what He has planned for He is also able to preform!

Sandy said...

I know that waiting is hard but you have a whole bunch of people waiting with you! :-) I just know that you will get that call soon!

Somedays are Worth Remembering said...

When we were waiting and hoping my heart was a mess. One day I was on top of the world and I was getting all kinds of prayers for my little one and then next I felt down and didn't want to get out of bed. Other days I felt like I had no emotions. It really felt like I was an emotional wreck over a person that I didn't know and wasn't for sure would ever come. It just goes to show you that you are a mom already and your love for your little girl is thicker than blood, it is stronger than genetics and when you hold her you will feel that she has been with you always. I know because that is how we felt when we finally got to hold our little daughter minutes after her birth on 9/11/08. Hang tight, it is soon!