I know that everyone experiences difficult situations in life. Things that make us want to scream and just give up. Losing a loved one. Financial difficulties. Sacrifices. Misunderstandings. Uncertainties. As a Christian, how should we respond? What's the good of our faith is we become angry at God? There has to be some way to be joyful in the middle of a crisis, right? It's so easy to say those words but so difficult to actually do it. It's so easy to give advice to someone who is going through a trial but it is so hard to look at your own circumstances and use the same advice. It's amazing how quickly doubt creeps into our lives. At the drop of a dime, things can change and we start rethinking things that seemed so simple and sure.
After spending time reading my Bible this morning, I have come to this realization. I have to believe that God will do what He says. No matter how things look or how discouraged I feel. Every problem that I have has to be given to Him. I have to take God at His Word. I have to believe.